Courtesy Nissan - Parts and service manual CD-ROM
Jim Wright
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 11:47:29 -0500
On 8/7/02 12:04 AM, "LDMartin" <> wrote:
> Question is, who approved (had to be copyright owner Nissan), who decided to
> go forward and how do we get at that process to try to obtain the same level
> of community support for SE-R/NX/SR20DE et al vehicles?
You can always start a petition of some sort, but cash speaks louder. Get
together a large list of people that would buy one of these CDs for $X.xx,
and that might mean something. I'm not sure what these CDs cost or how the
data is stored (I'm assuming Adobe Acrobat?), but if it'll work on a Mac I'd
definitely take one.
As far as who to contact, Steve Richardson at Courtesy can probably get you
the info from one of the CDs there about who publishes it, and you can then
follow up with those folks via phone to gather info and open the lines of
communication, and go from there.