attention: sponsors/vendors SERCA 2002 national convention
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 13:51:24 EST
Hey list,
I am busy contacting potential sponsors for the 2002 convention. As of last
week, 56 information packets were sent to prospective sponsors. Initial
contacts look promising, we have about twelve verbal commitments and most i
talked with seemed interested. There will be a "sponsors/vendors midway" of
sorts set up at the track event for vendors to display their products or
services as well as space at the car-show/picnic. We are hoping to have a few
how-to's/tech talks/seminars put on by the people that make the products. we
are working hard to make this a fun and inviting convention for them. And to
show them, in person, what SERCA is all about.
If you know any car related businesses that would like to participate,
please contact me with:
company name
contact person
phone #