Mildly OT: 510 Shell.

Peter Serwe peter at
Thu Jan 22 10:27:05 CST 2004

Hearing about that 510 just made me remember..

There's a local guy who has a 510 stripped, ripped,
caged, and basically ready to build into a race car.

It needs a superlight dash, with no more than the
necessities, a seat, and possibly a motor/tranny

Of course, a little paint, a decent racing wheel/hub
quick-release, wheels, who knows what else.

I *thinking* maybe it needs an S13/14/15 DET
but perhaps not.  I remember a discussion on the
subject a few weeks ago.  It's aging L16 or L18
is leaking quite a bit of oil (don't know which, I
haven't seen it yet).

I guess the most important question I have is, if
I am considering making an offer on this car, what
do you guys think it's worth?

Anyone else interested in this car?  It's sitting in
the garage of a parts guy who works for the local


Peter Serwe <peter at>
Cheaper, Faster, Better, pick any two.

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