Just bought a '93 SE-R

Ivan Chou ichou@sdf.lonestar.org
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 17:42:42 -0500

David Pertuz <davidpertuz@mindspring.com> wrote:

> I've already got two, and when I saw Scott JOhnson's car for sale I
> thought "hmm, I'd like to get that one, too." And that one is even the
> same year _and_ color as the car I've had for 10 years! It's a bit
> nicer, though.  The least I could do is branch out to NXes or something.
> But if/when I ever do have to replace my car, it will likely be with a
> used G20. So there!

It's the grey SE-R syndrome. :)  I have secretly considered three grey
'93s, all in superb condition.  What's interesting is the stock front
bumper on grey '93s are not painted to match the body, unlike other colors
of SE-Rs.  And to comment about the G20, I accidently came across an ad
for a '95 G20t 5-sp in blue (the other color of envy) the other day, and
was sorely tempted to get it.

Ivan - '93 SE-R 119k (grey, in crap condition), '95 M3 111k