weird flappy noise?
Sat, 31 May 2003 11:34:35 -0500

Got under the car this morning.... there was this rubber piece hanging down!
It's located near the rear of the left control arm.  Looks like it covers up
the brakes lines going to the rear.  It's about 6 inches long, and has screws
at the front and rear of it to hold it up.  I musta hit something pretty well
because it sheared the rubber where the front screw attaches so it was just
hanging by the rear screw.  So two sets of two zip ties (two zip ties tied
together to make them longer :) ) and some duct tape on the front of it to help
hold it up and deflect the wind so it won't get pulled down and hopefully
that'll fix it!  Oh, and the left splash shield was a little loose (only has 2
instead of 3 screws, long story, been that way for 50K miles) so I retightened
that down.  Ah yeah... ghetto style!
