Overheating Issues - FINAL
Mena Aqenenni
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 08:46:19 -0500
Archives: overheat, overheating, runs hot, A/C
After a year and a half of running through the desert summers with no
A/C and the heater set on defrost on the really hot days, I fixed my
nagging overheating issue. It was the radiator. I got an aluminum single
core OEM replacement (Cooling Systems and Felxibles) from Autogator.com
and dropped it in with a 50/50 water/coolant mix. I have replaced the
water pump, thermostat twice, and installed a Z car 1.2 bar radiator
cap. I even did the Rick Zotz coolant change a few times. I'm going to
need some new fans as one of mine is chewed up pretty bad but that's it.
Thanks all for the help. It's MUCH appreciated.
92 Classic
01 G20t