Web Boards (was Re: t25 in the 12s)

Peter Serwe peter@easytree.net
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:48:13 -0500

In the interest of being unusually terse, I'll just throw out my $.02 real quick
without all the quoting and requisite verbosity.

I enjoy reading through the massive amount of messages on this list, it gives me
a good peek at what everyone else is doing, while the organization of the
forum(s) boards are nice, the simplicity of the list, and SMTP is really nice.

But then, I'm a *nix geek, so I like things clean and simple, and using
rules-based filtering on my email sorts out the messages anyway I want, making
wading through a moot point with a few keystrokes.

There are many things on this list that I don't care to read, but as a whole, it
still seems worth it.

Oh yeah, I was supposed to be 'being unusually terse' so, I guess I better kill
this thing already..


P.S. se-r@lists.deskmedia.com RULES! (Here here!)

Peter Serwe <peter@easytree.net>
Cheaper, Faster, Better, pick any two.
finger peter@easytree.net for public pgp key