MAF nightmare, RD 2. (short)
Peter Serwe
Fri, 31 May 2002 07:50:43 -0500
Update 8:49a EST:
Tested the voltage on the white wire again, now 13mv alone - probably why
the car barely idles.
When I put my new (grounded to the intake manifold) 10gauge ground wire on
it, the voltage drops to -3 to -4v, not MV, and neg, not positive.
The car runs great at that point, for about 3-5 seconds, spins smoothly up
to 1500 or so, and dies.
I'm going to try regrounding with another 16 gauge wire now, to see if I can
get the proper voltage reading off pin 2 of the MAF harness connector, I
hope I'm chasing the right (tame) goose.
Peter Serwe wrote:
> How can I test this a little further - someone who has an FSM - where do
> those wires go.
Peter Serwe <>
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