what's this list for?

Stewart, Joe (COX-Atlanta) Joe.Stewart@cox.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:33:18 -0500

Every digest for as long as I can remember recently has at least one "is the
SR20deforum up" post.

The internet is not reliable, someone tells you different, they are full of
it. We all know the SR20DEforum is having issues, due to growth, whatever. So
if the thing is down, sit, wait, don't get impatient, and it will eventually
be back up. I am sure if there is a major outage, then the administrators of
the board can use the ***board's*** email feature to let everyone know without
spamming the world about it.

I mean, c'mon, odds are if you can send and receive email, and visit a
website, then well, duh, the problem has to be with the sr20defurum server.
Instead of spamming us all, why don't you guys learn how to troubleshoot it,
or call your ISP's support about it. At least email the administrator of the
board to ask, not the se-r list.
