TPS Adjustment

Josh Foster
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:09:56 -0600

I've got a quick question when adjusting the TPS sensor.  I searched the
archives and found a similar post, but I did not find the solution.  I was
adjusting my TPS and ran out of adjustment at 0.48V - it would fluctuate
between 0.48 and 0.49.  I would think that 0.48V is close enough to spec,
but I did not know if this was a common occurrence.  My car seems to run
fine, but should I look for a new TPS?  Also, is the TPS the same on the
GA16 as the SR20DE (if anyone knows before I call Nissan Parts)?  Please
send some info. to the list, so it will be in the archives for future use.

