dino 2 synth was Mixing natural and synthetic oil.

Jon Pennington cowboydren@yahoo.com
Sat, 12 Jan 2002 02:23:43 -0600

On Sat, 2002-01-12 at 01:57, sean mcmahon wrote:

> Am I lucky?

Yes, much like a professional skydiver.  When switching works, it works
great.  When the switch goes bad, you're f#$&$@.  Usually it introduces
things like gaskets failing, weeping heads, and it's often accompanied
by oil burning from the slippery synth falling down the valve guides.
Sounds like most of the people replying to this thread are lucky ones.

Consider, though, the poor fella who bought a new car a month or two ago
(110k miles or so on the odo), several hundred miles away from home, it
ran fine, he did a cycle to synthetic, and he choked his cam squirters
half way home.  I don't remember his name, but IIRC it was a white
Classic.  Not three days later he was on this list asking where he could
find a good SR20DE core for less than the several thousand dollars the
stealership wanted.

It's your engine, folks, do what you want.  You won't catch me doing it,
though.  I converted The Wife's Saturn to Valvoline DuraBlend at ~92,
and I considered myself lucky.  A few months later, though, Valvoline
introduced this MaxLife stuff, which is effectively the same with some
added conditioners, so I guess I did the right thing. :)  Maybe a few
high-mileage, low-pressure owners could try this stuff out and give a
report or two...

-=|JP|=-           Need a good geek?  I'm unemployed!

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