Found my dream Nissan

Jon Pennington
21 Dec 2001 15:46:30 -0600

On Fri, 2001-12-21 at 15:25, Jim Crate wrote:

> At least they didn't just give it an SR20DE.  That would have been even
> worse.

True.  Count your blessings, my Grandma used to say...

> BTW, you may be interested to know that the QR25DE is even more like a truck
> engine than the KA24DE.

I've noticed that.  Big fours don't rev well, but tend to produce
hellacious amounts of torque right where you need it.  Oldsmobile
Quad-4, for example.

> And finally, I guess the SR20VET qualifies as a truck engine too,
> considering its usage in the X-Trail.  Did it ever come in anything else?

By my reasoning, you're right. :)  I don't know if it counts, though,
since the core, the SR20, isn't really considered a truck engine in the
US.  The valvetrain comes (sort of) from a Primera, and the turbo was
available on other blocks, too.  2 + 2 = 5 for extrememly large values
of 2, right?  Yes, the SR20VET is a truck engine. ;)

> 254mm x 22mm brakes aren't exactly wimpy on a 2700 lb car, although it
> Not a hint of fade...

I hear they're competent, too.  I was just griping about how the US
seems to always get left out of the runnings when real performance cars
are built. :(

> upgrade.  I seem to hear stuff about SE-Rs wanting NX2000 brakes from time
> to time too, so that's not exactly a unique situation.

I don't think I need to upgrade my brakes any time soon.  My B15/SE's
brakes are more akin to '98-00 Altima SE (is that a U15?) brakes than
anything else; a car which weighs significantly more than mine.  I
should be okay for a while. :)

-=|JP|=-           Need a good geek?  I'm unemployed!

 '01 B15 SE/PP  |    |  <//><
 '95 SL2 Auto   |       cowboydren @ yahoo . com        |