What to do w/a sickly 130K '91 SE-R

geo3@earthlink.net geo3@earthlink.net
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 18:37:51 -0500

Pat Stafford <ppstaff1@excite.com> wrote:

>Shift points are usually 3500-3700, and on the freeway I usually run between
>70-80mph (3400-3700).

I think that is the problem.  Seriously.

I do *not* have causal evidence, but there is certianly annecdotal evidence to
suggest the SR20DE needs to see 4k+ rpm on a regular basis.  It has been
postulated that the reason so many G20s have the sludge problem while SE-Rs
generally don't is that most G20s are slushboxes and even the ones with manual
boxes don't get driven aggressively enough.  To be honest, I was kind of
expecting your answer.

I do have to say again, I *cannot* show direct causal evidence.  But the
annecdotal evidence it strong.  I don't know why, but best guess is that the
oil pressure at lower rpms is just not high enough, often enough, to keep all
of the oil passages clear.

Does this make sense from a scientific/engineering standpoint?  Hard to say,
but it's the best guess out there and seems to hold some water.

>Rest of the car is sweet.  Can't forsee any other significant problems.

Fix it.

>You know where I could get a new/rebuilt SR20DE for $500-850?!

Check the vendor list on SE-R.net.  Hell, check the classifieds.  There are
always imported engines there.  Get a hold of SR20 Developments.  They've
always got imported engines around.

>I'm in Renton, WA (Seattle area).  Any ideas?

There are importers in the area, but I cannot remember who they are.

George Roffe

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