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I do believe we are talking about the mount at the firewall.
If so: There is a bracket that attaches to the gearbox with 3 bolts of
differing lengths. The engine mount is attached to the subframe brace
and it slides up between the sides of the bracket. The bolt for this
mount has a "pencil tip" end and threads into the bracket.
If you're willing to deal with the PITA of trying to slip a bolt
(without the pencil tip) through the hole left by drilling out the
threads in the bracket, there is no reason you cannot use a nut and
washer on the bracket.
That said, Wayne is right, there must be so many spares lying around,
just have someone mail you a bracket. Hell, I may even have one in my
garage, but it would take me a year to find it and six months to mail
---- Wade Jackson <srwadet@cox.net> wrote:<br><br>=============<br>I'm
pretty sure it goes into the transmission. I have been told that you
do not need all the bolts in that mount and some people run without
that very hard to install/remove bolt. I think my problems are related
to the passenger side mount where the metal collar surrounding the
rubber is sliding inside the ring that attaches to the engine. I will
try to install a new ES insert in there tonight.<br><br>Wade<br><br><br>----
wc701lists@bellsouth.net wrote:<br>> On 7/18/2011 8:28 AM, Wade
Jackson wrote:<br>> > My transmission just started doing this on my
B13 race car after paying someone to change the clutch. Last night, I
discovered that the firewall motor mount was not tight.<br>> > I tried
to tighten it but the 17-mm bolt appears to be stripped.<br>><br>>
I haven't taken one apart in years. I remember the bracket straddles<br>>
the rubber mount, and bolts up to the transmission. Does the bolt going<br>>
through the mount thread into the transmission, or threads on the
bracket?<br>><br>> If it's the bracket that is threaded, replace
it. Should be someone<br>> here with a cheap spare. If it threads into
the tranny, that's a big<br>> PITA. You probably have to do a helicoil
to fix the threads.<br>><br>> -Wayne<br><br>+----------------------------------------------------------------------+<br>The
mailing list home page is http://www.se-r-list.org/<br>To modify your
subscription, go to http://www.se-r-list.org/mailman/listinfo/se-r<br>