<div>Well my 91 has been sitting at around 155K mi now for the past 4 years or so garaged with a battery tender and fuel stabilizer. It has probably covered less than a 1K miles in that time. That's what I get for buying a house, getting married and having a baby. No free time and there is always demand for disposable income (and our commuter cars that need fluids, filters and brakes).<br>
Can you believe these cars are coming up on 20 years old! If SCC mag had made it that would have been a nice article to see. <br>
There is a Mercedes club track event at Motorsports Ranch (remember the Dallas Convention - same track) coming up in the fall. The SE-R will see track time again - finally!<br>
I'd love to get some track tires for the SE-R (ok and burns exhaust, and a koyo radiator, and....)<br>
Also I had a King Jefff siting over XMas!!!</div>
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