driver's side axle seal removal & GC+AGX question

Peter Serwe peter at
Tue Feb 17 20:19:39 CST 2004

There's a fairly inexpensive tool called a 'seal puller'.

Looks like a curved top 'T' with slightly different
sized sides.  Costs about $3 from harbor frieght,
or around $30 from Napa.  Autozone might be
able to lend you one.

Steve Barber wrote:

> Okay... what's the trick?  That seal is in there tight. I've

> On a less urgent note, when installing GCs on AGX struts, I

> Is it that easy?  It almost looks welded on there, or I'd try it.

To install the GC collars on AGX struts, you'll have to grind
a considerable amount off the tops.  I used a bench grinder
and had someone dumping water on them to cool them as
I did it.  If you overheat them, the seals will blow, and
you'll have a worthless set of struts, albiet with GC collars.


Peter Serwe <peter at>
Cheaper, Faster, Better, pick any two.

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