Lots more power found with some new SR tuning ideas!

Hammer Down hammer_down@hotmail.com
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 16:13:22 -0600

In washington state, emission enforcement laws only apply in areas of high
density population.  The have been moving the manufacture date up and I
can';t remember if it is 25years and newer that are tested.  Obviously, I an
not presently in an area of high density, so I don't really have to worry
about it but I want to do my part to keep the air as clean as possible.
When I last rolled the DET powered SER through a Seattle area testing
facility, it was an idle test (between 700 and 1000 rpm) and then 2500 to
3500 rpm in second gear on a roller system.  They did not do an under hood
inspection (three years ago?), so as long as it passed the sniffer for the
year chassis specification, it was good, which IMHO, is the way emissions
should be checked.  Unless they start handing out free retrofit kits to help
older cars meet current emissions...

Erik Halvorson