OBDII scann tool
Polish Nissan Pimp
Sat, 6 Dec 2003 13:29:03 -0600
It picks up readings from ABS wheel speed sensors- its able to read all 4
wheels, and compares them. So there is no- just front tires spining or rear
tires spining. I have not played with the dyno/acceleration part of it. I
find it useless for my purpose. I got it so I can scan my friends, customers
cars for check engine lights. I don't have to carry around my shop SnapOn
scanner that is somewhat limited on cars it works on. Plus they would have a
heart attack if I took a 10K dollar old school SnapOn home to diagnose my
friends 200SX SE-R check engine light. This works great, fits in my pocket
and its cheap ! I like it cause I can view real time data like the MDM100
can, yet its cheaper and has ALOT more functions. MDM100 sucks ASS compared
to this unit. MDM works on Nissans only- supposelly. This will work on your
uncles Explorer, Moms Altima, or brothers VW Bug- just setting the example.
I don't know if ur family or friends have those kinds of cars, just sayn.
MDM will not be able to tell ya what the check engine light stands for, it
can't clear it eighter. And at 400 bux for a MDM100, I can have almost 2 of
these for the price of a MDM- I got my Palm M130 for free.
Mike Jez-- got the Chinesse Flu for a week now....sucks.
01 Max 5spd- EVO VIII highway killer
93 G20 GTi-R front clip w/ hood and all- brothers 21st B-day gift :) 10 days
left. Bought on Ebay for 860 bux with blown motor- cherry body and leather