Electric Supercharger?

mike kojima choaderboy2@yahoo.com
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:54:45 -0600

I think my opinion is a lot more substantated than
determining that a leaf blower can supercharge a car
by feeling the suck it makes by hand while using it it
to flow test a manifold?!

Lets say my guess can be pretty well not an opinion if
I had the time to do the math to show how wrong this

Read some of my stuff on turbocharging on the net, in
backisssues of SCC or read the chapter in my Honda
book to see how to calculate the flow requirments and
power requirments to compress the air fed to an

I was more making fun of the leaf blower test than the
electric supercharger.  It takes about 15-20 hp off
the top of my head to produce useable boost.  A
vehicles battery can do it for short bursts.
