OT: Video Games of yore

Peter Serwe peter@easytree.net
Fri, 7 Nov 2003 14:03:58 -0600

wmc_sr20@bellsouth.net wrote:

> Ever seen a Milton Bradley "Micro Vision"?  It's a circa 1978 handheld with

Nope, uhuh.  Missed that one.

> Then around 1981, high school got an Apple II [Crikey!  some LMs were

Hah!  I was 9, I got an Apple II+ at the time -
found an 80 column card somewhere, and unhooked
my speaker so I wouldn't wake my Dad up playing
Sammy Lightfoot and all kinds of other fun games.

Learned to program in basic, which did nothing
for my game performance.  Most of the games
I played were written in 6502 assembly already.

I do seem to vaguely remember something about
peek and poke points.

> Anyone recommend good Palm OS games?  Mine Sweeper just ain't cutting it.

I've been playing the old standby, Dopewars
a little bit, lately - it's kinda boring when you
keep retiring hugely wealthy after 30 days..

I've also had a penchant lately for AstroCommander,
which is a relatively boring, somewhat enhanced
Space Invaders shoot 'em up.

I find the Palm EE Reference to be more interesting..

I'm looking for the freeware palm missle command clone..
Still haven't found it lately.

Peter Serwe <peter@easytree.net>
Cheaper, Faster, Better, pick any two.
finger peter@easytree.net for public pgp key