high tech brake fluid question
Rick Frey
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 08:54:31 -0500
At 10:50 PM 9/24/2003 -0500, EEYORE5182@aol.com wrote:
>Are there any Carguy / chemists out there that know of an acceptable PPM
>of water allowed in brake fluid or the limits of which the fluid should be
>changed on a PPM of water scale?
Sounds like a good idea that would eliminate unneeded brake
bleeding. Maybe a manufacturer would be willing to let you in on the info.
Absent that, we have heard on this list that a high quality brake fluid
(motul 600 has specifically been mentioned) will last an entire season (4
or 5 months?) in the SER cup challenge.
So, measure a freshly opened bottle, bleed your system and test it again in
4 or 5 months and record the change.
That might be a good ball park.
How expensive is this test equipment?
Sounds like time to patent your invention. ;)
I wonder if water collects in specific places in your brake system that
might make it impossible to simply test your master cylinder reservoir.
Keep thinking! good idea!
rick frey