Just bought a '93 SE-R
Ivan Chou
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:56:56 -0500
Wayne Cox <wmc_sr20@bellsouth.net>
>> It's the grey SE-R syndrome. :) I have secretly considered three grey
>> '93s, all in superb condition.
> Oh really? Just recently? What locale were they in? This one has some
> paint problems, and is partially repainted, but very clean and rust free
> otherwise.
>> What's interesting is the stock front bumper on grey '93s are not
>> painted to match the body, unlike other colors of SE-Rs.
> No shit?!?! I thought it was just a low-budget repair job on this
> one. The P.O. admitted to front end body work, but I thought it was a
> cheapskate thing.
I looked at all of these within the past half-year. I guess you bought
this one: http://www.automotionhvl.com/inventory/sedans/my_ser.htm
Another was in Ohio; I saved down all the for-sale pics as an example of
how I'd want to "restore" my SE-R back to. Here's an excellent shot
showing the difference in paint: http://ichou.freeshell.org/93_grey3.jpg
(rear bumper is painted similarly).
Another I'd seen in person was Jon Felton's '93. Scott Johnson's is
again, one more example: http://home.kc.rr.com/tjhp/ser/Im000949.jpg
I had mentioned to David that I thought Nissan did this to cut corners,
and ironically, they may be in better condition than a lot of the glossy
bumpers I've seen.
Ivan - '93 SE-R 119k, '95 M3 111k