Thu, 10 Apr 2003 21:31:55 -0500
Mike Jez wrote:
> Well I didn't have ANY spare parts left over, I ended up fixing alot of
Wait, this is the infamous 2-hour tranny swap we're talking about here,
right? The Jez special?
Including fixing someone else's mistakes, still two hours!? Ok, I'll give
you the benefit of the doubt... let's work some timetables here...
> that the person messed up before me- its got a JDM motor in it, some
Travel to Japan to consult with Japanese friend about JDM motor and the
associated tranny = 15 minutes
> bolts where stripped out or missing.
Tapping the stripped bolt = 5 minutes
> I ended up fixing his 1st gear also cause it looked worn and was hard to
> get it into 1st or even take it out half the
Machining 1st gear 25 minutes
> time, got some parts from my friend Steve in FL- aka Camhar, and she is
Travellig to Florida to pick up some parts = 15 minutes
Man, you're slow Mike! I could cut that time in half with my natural
mechanic's ability