Ram air CAI install

Peter Serwe peter@easytree.net
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:04:04 -0600

There was a write up by a guy who did extensive testing,
sometime in the last year, checking for high and low pressure.

He basically figured out that the highest pressure, and most
effective area was in the lower section of the center bumper area..

I'd really like to see what could be done with a little cutting,
or even more realistically, what could be done if you made a little
hood for the air filter, to collect and ram it.  I think if you set the leading
edge of a small scoop a little ahead of the bumper, you might see a dramatic
increase in straight line ram effect, especially if you flare out the cone, or
a flared box, for simplicity's sake.  Just scoop as far towards the center of
the car
as possible, and try to make it bolt to the stock headlight mount :P

BodyArt27@aol.com wrote:

> I was having flashbacks reading your posting - back to 1997 when we used to
> pull the headlight at the drag strip hoping for a ram air effect.

> http://www.serca.org/Texas/image_archive/sblack_headlight.jpg
> http://www.serca.org/Texas/image_archive/jonh_headlight.jpg
> http://www.serca.org/Texas/se-r_rally_03.htm

> I think it helps a little, but not as much as you would think. You have to
> keep in mind how the air is traveling across the whole front end of the car.
> The air might be being pushed up and over your headlight by your bumper.....
> Heck - it's all about trying something different. You never know.

> shell
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Peter Serwe <peter@easytree.net>
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