turbo-cooling fan

Matt Sfeir mattsfeir@yahoo.com
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 01:00:00 -0600

Yup, all the blades are melted, some more than others though.  Didn't
realize the hot shutdown, I thought it was caused by extended running under
boost heading up to Eisenhower Tunnel or over Vail Pass.  I was thinking of
wiring a new fan to run continuously, but now see that wouldn't help.
How is that coating holding up?  Have any pics of how you modified the stock
fan shroud to clear the downpipe?  Mine is melted, so I'll have to modify
another new one and was curious what others have done.
I'm glad to hear that this happens to others, FMAX said they have never
heard of it either.  I was starting to wonder if something was wrong with my


> Replace the fans with OEM. Get it thermal barrier coated. It will keep it
> from happening again. I sent mine off to http://www.airborncoatings.com/
> they did a great job. Here are some pics of mine after I got them coated:
> http://personal.atl.bellsouth.net/lig/f/t/fthomasr/coatings/frameset.htm

> Believe me, it gets waaaay hotter here in the summer than in Denver. My
> are stock and not damaged in the least.

> The reason why it happened is that when you had a hot shutdown the blades
> that were nearest the turbo and downpipe melted, while the rest were fine.
> Over time all the blades end up melted because all the blades eventually
> come to a stop at one time or another near the dp and turbo.