Jason Garrett Young is leaving the list

Wayne Cox wmc_sr20@bellsouth.net
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 09:42:45 -0600

At 09:09 AM 12/18/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm not going to accept the current format of the list, with manually
>approved messages.
>I've been on this list since '95.  If you still feel that need to preview
>my messages to see if they say what you accept, then I am not the correct
>person for this list.

I too, am surprised and somewhat annoyed with this.  Larry, what are you
trying to accomplish?

The list volume and content has been pretty good for the last few
months.  As a couple others have pointed out, it looks like many of the
lamers have bailed out for the forums.  And there are already several other
more focused and specialized mailing lists out there.  So what's to change?

The only thing I see making any sense is maybe dumping the whole subscriber
list, or just hose who haven't posted in X amount of time, and giving them
the option to re-subscribe if they want to continue.  This would  weed out
the folks who don't give a shit;  but beyond bandwidth savings, they're not
causing any trouble.

    -Wayne    '91 NX2k - '93 NK2k - '92 SE-R parts car