Inertia Reel Seat Belts
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 09:09:19 -0500
In a message dated 10/1/2002 2:03:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> No kiddin! U learn somethin new everyday :) What kinda car are
> Those on??
thats the same set up on my schroth 4-point harnesses. its nice to have a
real world harness that allows you to change the radio station or roll down
the passenger side window with out unstrapping yourself. i was thinking about
installing an inline ground switch so i can keep them locked at all times
when auto-xing. because all the inertia switch is basically is a circut why
couldnt someone do this on a stock seat belt system for the same effect?
built DET 91 sentra se-r
w/stock t25