painting CAI

Matt Davis
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 13:44:08 -0500

i figured id use a high quality engine type paint a spiinning metal brush (i
forgot the tools name ;) ) and fine sand paper..  putting newspaper and a
rubber band around each end.. stuffing newpaper into the holes still
visiable..  doing the coats as you suggested. and the doing a coat of high
temp clear coat..

I also thought  of not doing this and getting a heat wrap to put around the
cai.. are there cons to doing this??

as for the powdercoating..

what types of places actually have this service available.. (machine shops,
body shops) and how much does it usually cost..

>Dont spray paint it, get it powder coated... but if your not: Get as much
>the old coating off with sand paper.  Get a spray primer.  Then get GOOD
>QUALITY SPRAY PAINT.  It will last longer.  Make sure before you start that
>whole thing is as clean as possible.  Make many thin coats, not one big
