Alternator Rebuilding
Hammer Down
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 01:10:52 -0500
Does anyone have the part numbers for bearings, brushes, diodes for
rebuilding a 1993 alternator? I found the part number for the Starter brush
holder assy (going to do that too) in the archives but after searching for a
couple of hours, I have had it. Please help. No, I don't want to spend the
$ on a rebuild if I can do it myself (that's part of the fun isn't it?).
No, I don't have time during the day nor an extra car to take the alternator
down to the local rebuild shop. PLEASE HELP!
Erik Halvorson
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the
sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove.... but the world may
be different because I was important in the life of a child." unknown