Keep the list but....

Chris Simmonds
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 20:58:41 -0500

I think one of the great problems of the list is the way
newbies are treated. I see it like this: If you were not
on the list from the jump you cant get on. Only conversation
on new products and development etc.. can go on at this time.
Newbies are direct to the archieves and it's almost like
being shot down. I would venture to say we have more people
joing the list a day than the old heads post in a day.That
is the reason we have 1000 members but yet we see the same
tags. Lets have multiple conversations going on from people
in all stages of the game, if you feel like you don't want
to answer the question then don't. Let someone else answer,
this way people in hiding can speak up about their problems
which leads to people telling about their findings which
leads to people refrencing their findings with the archieve,
which leads to people becoming better internet mechanics.
Let the young grow after all you were a newbie at some point.

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