50 shot plugs and gap

Jim Wright wrightj@apple.com
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 12:10:30 -0500

On 7/24/02 11:49 AM, "spdracer@mail.utexas.edu" <spdracer@mail.utexas.edu>

> On my turbo, I tried out a set of the copper plugs, and they lasted at whole
> 500 miles before I started misfiring (gapped down to .027).  I'll stick to
> platinum.

Sounds like what happened to me when I tried out those Split Fire (Spit
Fire?  Whatever...) plugs a few years back.  They were new and supposed to
be great, but they lasted no more than 1500 miles before I had problems.

That was when I pulled my original platinum plugs off the shelf where I'd
stuck them (don't know why I didn't throw them out, but I'm glad I didn't)
and one by one put them back in, after hearing noticable improvement after
the first two went back in, I put the other two in and they ran fine.  The
plugs had 90K on them at the time, and I ran them another 30k before
retiring them for good.

I'd still like to hear more about the Iridium plugs, and if there's any
benefit in our cars, built or otherwise.