JWT Cams w/Cam gears. SR20DET settings?

Lewis Shadoff lshadoff@brazosport.cc.tx.us
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 00:27:53 -0500

JWT recommends setting the cam gears to reduce overlap.  This makes the
engine more detonation resistant, but moves the peak power to higher rpm as
compared to without the adjustable gears.

The way to do this is to advance the exhaust cam 2.5 degrees and retard the
intake cam 2.5 degrees, reducing overlap by 5 degrees.

In a previous thread it was pointed out to me that this is not a necessary
procedure, at low boost levels, but I went with the JWT recommendation
anyway.  I figured that it wouldn't hurt, and it might save the engine if I
ever got a bad batch of gas.


At 06:23 PM 7/7/02, you wrote:
>Hello I have bought the JWT S4 cams with the adjustable cam gears. I have
>a s13 blacktop SR. Does anyone have this setup? What is recommended?
>Using the stock turbo at 1 bar. Here are the settings.4=10.0 advanced3=7.5
>advanced2=5.0 advanced1=2.5 advanced0=stockA=2.5 retarded B=5.0 retardedC=7.5
>retardedD=10.0 retarded Thanks -- AJ D., eurotrash@shaw.ca on 07/07/2002

Lewis Shadoff
Lake Jackson, TX
'97 200SX SE-R, Level 10 Auto, HotShot turbo