Summit Racing (Was: Nopi and Brembo brakes)

Robert W. Rood
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 19:42:05 -0500

> Summit Racing also carries them for many
> imports, so if you're looking
> to buy, shop wisely.

And I can't say enough great things about Summit
Racing. In fact, I've never, ever worked with a
vendor (automotive or otherwise) that has been as
fast, complete, and accurate as Summit Racing.
I've ordered a ton of stuff over the last 2.5
years and the longest(!) delivery time (using UPS
ground, by the way) was 2 days. My last order - 2
Autometer guages for a total of $108 - was
ordered on a Thursday late morning Central time.
I had it shipped UPS ground (free) and expected
to see it Monday. And guess what came Saturday?
Yep. My guages - but not from UPS. Summit Racing
shipped it FedEx because they knew UPS didn't do
Saturday delivery. And I wasn't in a hurry,
either. They did it because they wanted to. I've
never heard anything like it. And what did Summit
charge me for the extra shipping? Nothing. Zilch.
It was free.

So...any company that has the track record Summit
Racing has gets my free advertisement. They've
earned it.
