MAF reground nightmare - Conclusion. A.K.A. YAY!
Peter Serwe
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:37:43 -0500
That little arc I saw when I soldered it the first time with the battery
connected - yep, it killed my ECU.
If anyone needs an SE-R ECU, you don't want my old one :)
Big sigh of relief, not much more intelligible to say than that... Well,
not really :)
Things I've learned from this:
A) Never solder ANYTHING on your car w/o disconnecting the
neg terminal of your battery.
B) If you do, order yourself an ECU.
C) The car runs great with the MAF regrounded - it
shouldn't have taken so long though.
D) If your relatively new, and you've more or less
mystified everyone, you probably REALLY
screwed something up.
E) The list is always right.
F) When the list is wrong, refer to lesson E.
Screamer lives. YAY!
I do have a spare MAF for sale if anyone wants it :)
Peter Serwe <>
Cheaper, Faster, Better, pick any two.
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