Stewart, Joe (COX-Atlanta)
Wed, 29 May 2002 14:32:19 -0500
Couple of things here.
These guys are imitators. Go to if you want to see how it
was done way back when.
These guys are also a shop trying to sell you something. Remember that,
nothing is free.
>I'm sure the editors will put up your step by step
That is how the DSM community does it. You put the stuff on your site, and it
is linked from the main page. It's a lot less work for the editors of the main
site, etc. (**cough*** HINT, HINT ***cough***)
>I agree that isn't being updated very much anymore.
>I've seen these folks making *huge* contributions
>to and Nissan Performance Magazine.
I think we have a chicken/egg scenario. IMO, from what I have seen, the reason
these people are going elsewhere is *because* hasn't been updated.
>try preparing and submitting some new quality content.
People have volunteered, here, publicly, with no response. I have personally
emailed different page owners/updaters many, many times. I never get a
response, ever. There are bad links that I have emailed about several times. I
never get any response, no "yes, sorry", not even a "fuck off I'm busy".
I've said it before and I will keep saying it. If you are going to give up on, then, for God's sake, give up, and give it to someone else.
Basically, I can sum it up real easy: Shit, or get off the pot.