[Non SE-R] What is wrong with this tire?

Probe Dude probedude@hotmail.com
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 16:07:16 -0500

Any chance that this particular tire was run practically flat, then taken
off and put in the trunk as the spare, and since then was changed again and
put back on the car?  Anyone do any favors for your wife and rotated the
tires including the spare?

It totally looks like a severe underinflation problem.  Curbs and alignment
is not going to scuff that high up  on both sides of the tires.

Then again, has she been playing James Bond and driving along railroad
tracks straddling the rails on boths sides? :-)


>Nope, neither is the case, tire has been properly inflated,
>and hasn't been driven hard.  The passenger side tire looks
>perfectly normal too.