*MY* convention writeup

Brian Carvalho brian@unXplodedbomb.com
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:41:58 -0600

> Did you read *ALL* of what I had to say?

> Or did you skim to the parts about the drinking and *ONLY* read those?

Kieran,   I wasnt aiming my comments solely at you.  I just
happened to chime into your thread.

Yes you did do a lot of writing about non-drinking.  IMO there has been
*too* much detail about the drinking stuff.  After reading about 20 or
so emails in a 2 day period which all referenced the drinking thing,  I
it was getting pretty pathetic.

In fact about 90% of the replies regarding the convention were about
drinking.  Thats lame.

You say you mentioned the drinking thing because it "was" part of the
convention?  Well,  I really dont think so.  Drinking is "not" part of the
convention.  Drinking "was" part of what you did, and what others did.
Drinking is "not" on the intinerary.  Drinking is  "not" part of the
convention.  There is no "need" to go into deep discussion about it
when writing about the convention.

I've never been to a convention.  I've promised myself I will attend next
year.  I will have fun.  I *will* drink.  I will not run home and email an
community to tell them how much drinking I did.

Brian "heavy drinker" Carvalho