Tuneup time, inexpensive tester, 18mm-12mm adapter, good bolts

Brax Sisco xenex@chpl.net
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 19:48:55 -0600

I just got done with a tuneup myself, and I recommend the "Sears Digital
Engine Analyzer."  It tests DC volts, Ohms, Alternator Diode, RPM, and
Dwell (for cars w/ points).  It's cheap, $29.95...


"Matthew T. Blackmon" wrote:

> Well it's just abou 60K on the odometer, and I'm putting together a list of
> things I need for the tuneup.  I had a couple questions that I couldn't find
> in the archives, so I thought I'd hazard a few questions: