Tue, 5 Mar 2002 13:12:44 -0600

Most people outside the Nissan community drool over
having the option of a tuned ECU for $700.  I don't
know why people complain about JWT ECU's at all, it's
like they don't appreciate a good thing when they have
it.  Look up the price of an S-AFC, an ITC, a JS
Safegaurd, or even a TECII then think of the time they
have to spend tuning what they have.  It's
ridiculously more than what Nissan folks are offered
through JWT.  My friend spent an extra $900 on an FJO
Wideband setup just to TUNE his fuel curves on his TEC
II equipped 3SGTE'd Celica.  Then he has to spend time
on the dyno to fine tune his ignition curve.  Thanks
to JWT we really do not have to go that in depth into
tuning a computer.  When the time comes for my ECU
I'll be dropping them whatever money while a smile and
a big hearty Thanks.

> AFAIK, we Nissan folk are about the only cars out
> there that have these plug
> and play ECUs available from JWT. What do all the
> other non-Nissan car
> owners do? FPRs, AFCs, TECIIs, fuel computers, etc.
> etc. Whenever someone on
> this list speaks of doing what all the other makes
> of cars use, it somehow
> will blow up our SE-Rs. Why is that?

> Ben Davis
> 93 NX2000
> shakin it up

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