Poor Gas mileage and CAI

Steve Foltz stevefoltz@hotmail.com
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 08:57:47 -0600

Scott said
>I'll second this CAI and poor gas mileage issue.  I just installed a These
>monkey parts use 3" o.d. pipe for the
>adapter part, even
>though the hole in the MAF is like 3 1/8" I.D.  Because they don't align
>well and therefore

I will add that there may be another problem with some cold air intakes that
is not readily known.  I installed a Hotshot CAI and within 2 days my Idle
Air Control Valve went out.  I traced the problem and found that the hole in
the Hotshot tube that the IACV attached to was too small.  Hotshot admitted
the problem (even knew about the problem in advance) and I drilled it out
but I eventually returned the setup because of this and the MAF meter
adapter didn't fit to my liking (not flat and the holes didn't line up).  To
be honest the whole things was poorly made.    It looked nice (shiny) and
sounded nice but ran poorly.  Also, the tubes were bent in such a way that
the air would hit the edge of a tube causing turbulence on the transitions
from couplers to the tube.  Maybe these things work well at WOT but not at
part throttle due to these design flaws?  Maybe the consistence of quality
varies greatly from batch to batch?  Who knows.
