what is the best transmission lubricant?

Jon Pennington cowboydren@yahoo.com
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 20:13:35 -0600

At 03:45 PM 2/8/2002 -0600, you wrote:

> What is the best lubricant for my gf's 2001 sentra se pp auto?

Dude, this is in the archives.  Better yet, it's on SE-R.net.  The SR20
isn't *that* different from other applications, so the same rules apply to
it as any.  I like Valvoline SynPower, but I'm a fruitloop, to which anyone
here can attest.  Do what makes you happy, just make sure it's changed every
3mos/3000mi.  The only rule is to use a Nissan oil filter; I know this one
from experience.

-=|JP|=-          Need a good geek?  I'm unemployed!

'01 B15 SE/PP  |   http://www.xanga.com/cowboydren/    |  <//><
'95 SL2 Auto   |       cowboydren @ yahoo . com        |