Oil Cooler / Fuel Cooler

geo3@earthlink.net geo3@earthlink.net
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 12:47:48 -0600

Rick Frey rfrey@iupui.edu wrote:

>It seems to me that properly cooled oil is a plus for any car.

Yes, but improperly cooled oil can be bad.

>Everyone with a performance car should put in an oil cooler.  However, I
>suggest that the piping be valved (through manually thrown ball valves or
>whatever) to allow bypass of the cooler.  For normal driving, shunt the oil
>around the cooler, for heavy stop and go traffic or track driving, switch
>the cooler in the oil circuit.

I was thinking in those terms  If you could by-pass the cooler at will, it
could be good for a car that sees track use.

BTW, in stop and go traffic, the oil cooler is probably not necessary, and
even potentiall ineffective.  The main use as I see it would be for heavy
track use, or *maybe* with a turbo street car seeing some hard use.
