Eibach ERS Springs FOR SALE

Reignhard Stajuana raystajuana@hotmail.com
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:26:26 -0600

I posted earlier on the list about these and there was some misunderstanding
about their applications.  They are the kind of springs you would install
with the GC sleeves to go over the KYB AGX shocks so if you buy these then
get the threaded sleeves and all associated hardware, you can install them
over the KYB's.  Again their rates are : 300/200 F/R  (Estimated 20K miles
of use) They were approx. $50 each corner when I got them so I'll take any
reasonable offers that come my way. TIA

Ray S
98 Sentra SE
San Bernardino, CA