ECU dyno testing

Kevin J. Hart
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 02:38:47 -0600

IIRC only the 98+'s have all the extra emmsions equipment that requires
hacking of the harness and removal of the rear o2 from the code and the car.
I know ive seen people pull their ECU's many times in b14's like Jan 5th at
Ben's when we pulled Johns and put in the new JWT ecu with turbo map and
stuff in it.  Now on Ben's 98 se he had to hack his harness, John pulled his
car in put it on jack stands, one day later we changed ECU' hacking
done.  When Ben turboed the 98 the harness had to be hacked and personaly
its a nasty hack i wouldnt do :) then that is me.  Ive wondered why someone
doesnt make a patch block that moves the pins around to the right places for
the 98's.  I bet it would sell a bit, requires no research since its all the
info is easily found, just some soldering knowledge and then try to make a
block out of old parts or something...oh well

> Well, there are two problems with that statement the way this monkey
> sees it.  Firstly, I thought that any '96+ production vehicle sold in
> the US had to be OBD-II compliant, but even that wouldn't necessarily
> require hacking the harness for the JWT ECU.  Secondly, though the '97
> vehicle/harness/sensor array may not be OBD-II compliant, that '95 G20
> ECU certainly is.

I think you are.... ;)

> My questions stand, but I'm just asking for more information, not waving
> my own pseudo-knowledge in your face or anything immature like that.  I

Ive pulled and pluged a a few JWT ECU's in b14's and b13' hacking
needed.  it was just the addition of the huge ammounts of emmisions stuff on
the 98+'s.  Thats why Naji used to complain all the time cause JWT never
made a ecu that didnt require hacking for his 98 se-r.  Where as the rest of
us with real se-r's (ducking...wait some say i dont have a real
maybe i should take up arms) dont have to worry about such petty things as
rear o2's and log rear ends... :P j/k

> know that I'm often wrong; just tell me when I am so that I won't be
> next time.  In other words,  prove me wrong, I like it. ;)

93 classic (Automatic, Stuff)
really not so real.