Fast and Furious
Jon Pennington
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 12:03:28 -0600
On Tue, 2002-01-08 at 11:53, Jim Wright wrote:
> Ok, let's just say that the movie was full of so much nonsense that those
> who know what's what probably got so disgusted they had to walk out of the
> theater.
Actually, I thought it was entertaining. I saw it twice in the theater
and rented the DVD this week (Gauranteed in Stock at Blockbuster, or
it's Free!). Visually, it was a lot of fun. Technically, explaining to
non-motorheads wtf they're talking about and *then* telling them how it
*really* works is a mix of fun and tedium.
> Kind of like those of you that know computers get disgusted when you see an
> old PC XT with a monochrome monitor displaying a color image that has an
> Apple II startup beep when turned on and is displaying graphics from a Sun
> workstation while hacked into a government computer pulling down gigabytes
> worth of data over an analog line and backing it up onto a 5.25" floppy.
Um, it was a 3.5" disk (Office Space). :]
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