Exhaust noise

UXB brian@unxplodedbomb.com
Wed, 02 Jan 2002 00:39:49 -0800

>> I am also assuming that the exhaust on your system must be darned loud,

> Hehe.  "GReddy" and "Quiet" are just about mutually exclusive. :]

I think you meant "Greddy SP series"(the model in question here) and

I own a "Greddy" and I'll be darned if you can notice any difference from
stock at all below 4500rpm,  and even then, its quiet!  A JWT Pop makes way
more "noise" than my exhaust. I've been addressed with this same
generalization before;  "you own a Greddy cat-back, so its gotta be loud".
Well its not! and most people respond with a puzzled look after sitting in
my car.

BTW,  this is the Greddy "EVO" line on a P11  ;)

Sorry,  just had to point that out.  :)


'00 G20t (still modding)