engine support with the crossmember removed

Lee K. nx2kracer at hotmail.com
Thu May 23 20:26:10 CDT 2013

I'm the one that did the bearings in Mike Jezs car in Dallas, the actual replacement was done in someones garage though.I think Ostlund was there with us and we finished sometime around 5am, a few hours before we had to drive back to the east coast.I don't recall it being too hard with the engine in the car, but I think I recall the job not working because either his crank was too messed up or we put the wrong sized bearings in.Of course we had no way to measure them at the time and just went by the existing sizes.
> Yeah, that was a fun day.  Using a few cars to block the car repair work from the hotel management's eyes. :)> Eric Waterman 		 	   		  
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