What we're playing with now

Grover Pickering groverpickering at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 15:18:38 CDT 2011


Hmmm  Let's see....

'08 Altima 2.5 - Wife's car
'01 Yukon XL - Daily driver and tow beast - I drive the carpools every day
and they buy gas, etc.
'84 Interceptor - doesn't really run
'03 TTR 125 - chase bike for when the kids are on their 4-wheelers
'2x 07 Chinese 4-wheelers - at $325 each - they ran great for 3 years - but
I think they are dead now - 'electrical?
'10 Chinese 4-wheeler - it's the Wifes and is much better build than the
'02 DR-125 - doesn't really run
'2x 9?'s Sea Doos - inherited - rebuilt carbs and cleaned tanks - time to
see if they run
'01 125 Rotax TAG Kart - haven't tried it in years
'62 Healey - inherited - trying to get back o nthe road
'01 SE-R LeMons Racer (Jim wrights old car)
'01 SE-R LeMons parts car (George's old car)

crap that's a list.

Truthfully, it doesn't add up to a new BMW :)

I've begun to hate carburetors and batteries.  As you can guess from the
above list.  I spend a lot of time with the kids out in the country at my
families.  We get a ton of use our of the 4-wheelers and dirt bikes.  But -
all I do is chase the latest dead battery and gummed up carb.  Even when I
keep an eye on things - somethign always goes bad.  Honestly - the Chinese
4-wheelers were the most forgiving on the carb front.  Never 1 problem.  The

I've been working on the Healey for a while.  It's a '62 3000 MK2.  My Uncle
left it to me when he pased away.  It's going to be very cool if I get it
running.  But, at 10 minutes per month - it's not going quickly.  Oil
drained, oil pan and cams cleaned, I've got spark, it's turning over.  Time
to see if it pumps fuel.  Anyone got any 102 Leaded?

The LeMons car also rears it's head every 6 months or so.  It's a great way
to go racing with your friends.  We have a blast.

All in all - I wish I could "play" more with the toys.  But, family life is
more of a priority.  So, the toys get attention when I have time.  Of all
things - I have a son who is good at sports.  Weird.  I only liked cars
growing up.  Oh - I need a shop too - with a lift :)

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