Matt Hunt mhunt at
Tue Apr 5 11:55:14 CDT 2011

On 4/5/2011 12:47 PM, John A. Heer wrote:
> I am at ~95K, and I love the MS3.

I like that number. I'm at 55k and haven't had a single issue yet (knock
knock) I've only done one HPDE with it so far so yours sees more (ab)use
than mine.


Agreed on all counts, but I rarely have the discipline for 28mpg.

> CONS: tranny and gearbox

After replacing the rear mount and swapping the rubber shift bushings
for metal ones, I found the feel to be much improved.

> don't do this, that computer limited power is a real drag (pun
> intended) through 1 and 2.

A while back on one of the Mazda forums, there was an ongoing debate
amongst a few road course folks about this. A couple guys did sessions
with it on and with it off and the times were negligibly different. I
suppose it's a more impactful difference when dodging cones. :)

I'm just pleased to see you approaching 100k, given your auto-x
adventures. Do you ever send your oil to Blackstone?


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