"Best Japanese Engines" in Atlanta, "Red Tops"?

Mclendon, Clay CIV 43310 clay.mclendon at navy.mil
Mon Feb 28 12:03:02 CST 2005

Yeah, Jerry, I forgot to mention that about Best Japanese Engines. I heard
about the shop from Thomas Reynolds (not sure if he is on this list anymore,
but he is on SR20DEForums). He and a friend had bought a RWD SR20DET for a
Sylvia swap (for the same $1000). The shop doesn't differentiate between the
various SR20DET's. They just call them RWD and AWD. When I went and looked,
they had 1 "AWD". I got there to find it was a GTi-R engine and it sold for
the same $1000 as all other SR20DET's (no matter if they were RWD, AWD, etc).
I suggest going to the shop and seeing for yourself what they have (when some
come in). Also, ask for the price without tranny. They may lower the cost and
you won't need the tranny anyway. They were also really nice about letting me
scrounge some stuff from their spare parts bin and they had free delivery
within a certain mileage. Good people!
As for your color coding questions, I believe the "red-top", "black-top", etc
are all referring to the various RWD Sylvia engines.

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 07:17:02 -0600
From: "jerryeads at joimail.com" <jerryeads at joimail.com>
Subject: "Best Japanese Engines" in Atlanta, "Red Tops"?
To: se-r at se-r-list.org
Message-ID: <4215eacf.34b.f40.127 at joimail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Clay was able to tell me of yet another engine supplier in
Atlanta, and no one here in town has mentioned them, really
is called "Best Japanese Engines."  Several years ago he
picked up a GTI-R motor for a grand and has had no problems.
 I called them yesterday (NO 'net exposure, ONLY in yellow
pages) and while they have no pumpers at the moment they
said now $1350 for an SR20DET engine and transmission.
Apparently they don't bring in clips or sets. Anyone besides
Clay have any experience with these folks?

ALSO, I have run into a number of motor sellers and wrenches
who talk only in term of "red tops" and whatever other
colors Nissan paints the cam covers. they have no clue
whatsoever about differentiating by the labels GTI-R,
Bluebird U12 or U13, or Avenir. Is Nissan compulsive about
painting the cam covers particular colors for particular
engines so I can converse accurately with these folks???

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